Sunday, May 28, 2017

NICON 2017 - Grand Alliance: Destruction List Overview

The list analysis continues! See below for the Destruction lists for NICON 2017. Previous posts have looked at Order and Death.

Grand Alliance: Destruction

Carl T - Moonclan Grots

The General
Grot Warboss - this guy has a Giant Cave Squig sidekick and a prodder. His command ability allows a Moonclan unit within 20" to inflict double damage when they roll a 6 to wound. As a four-wound hero, he is quite vulnerable, with some protection from his Dead Tricksy ability, which means attacks that target him count hit rolls of 6 as a roll of 1 instead.

The Battalions
  • N/A
The Army
So. Many. Grots. His grots have grots coming out their grots. No less than 220 Grots on foot. No less than 12 Grot Fanatics hidden away in there to block charges. Two Doomdivers for some ranged damage, 5 Squig Hoppers for some bounce. Two more Warbosses on foor and another Warboss on a Great Cave Squig. And three Grot Shamans, casting Curse of Da Bad Moon - a D3 mortal wound spell that can bounce between enemy units.

I don't have any good advice for this army besides... kill Grots. Don't forget that large units gain extra Bravery for battleshock for every 10 models in the unit, so don't count on them to be blown away in the breeze unless you kill significant amounts. I have seen some of Carl's models, and they will be a treat for those Oldhammer connoisseurs out there.

Fraser B - Ironjawz

The General
Gordrakk, the Fist of Gork - said to have grown out of one of the knucklebones of Gorkamorka Himself, Gordrakk has potential to wreck armies solo given half a chance. His command ability is used once per battle, and affects one Destruction unit within 20". That unit can roll three dice to charge, and makes 2 extra attacks with each of its weapons. If the unit is part of a battalion, THIS APPLIES TO ALL UNITS IN THE BATTALION. If he starts to kill heroes, his wounds and attacks increase. The Maw Crusha deals mortal wounds when it charges. If this wipes out everything within 3", he can make another charge, and can keep doing this. So throwing chaff at him is not always a good strategy.

The Battalions
  • Ironfist - This consists of all his non-hero models. So 10 Brutes, 20 Ardboys and 6 Gore Gruntas. One of the unit champions gets to add 2 to its wounds. As long as this Bigboss is alive, the battalion can move D6" in the hero phase. This is on top of the allegiance abilities. And remember, Gordrakk's command ability affects the WHOLE BATTALION so watch out for that mighty charge.
The Army
The other units are a Megaboss, who can buff the hit rolls of nearby Brutes, two Warchanters, who can again add one to the hit rolls of a nearby unit, and two Weirdnob Shamans, who have two spells.  Green Puke deals D3 mortal wounds to all units in a straight line, and Foot of Gork does D6 mortal wounds on a unit and can then bounce to another unit, and another. What's more, Fraser is giving them a balewind Vortex, which increases the range of this spell to 36". Potentially devastating.

Try not to let the Maw Crusha charge you, and bear in mind the Brutes will eat most things they get into contact with.

Geoff E - Moonclan Grots

The General
Grot Warboss - this guy has a Giant Cave Squig sidekick and a prodder. His command ability allows a Moonclan unit within 20" to inflict double damage when they roll a 6 to wound. As a four-wound hero, he is quite vulnerable, with some protection from his Dead Tricksy ability, which means attacks that target him count hit rolls of 6 as a roll of 1 instead.

The Battalions
  • N/A
The Army
More Grots! 160 of the blighters on foot, with 3 Fanatics. Geoff is bringing a couple of units of Sourbreath Troggoths, who regenerate, vomit, and hit like angry green monsters. There is a Mangler Squig unit, which does a lot of damage if it careens into your units, and the maximum five war machines. Three Rock Lobbas and two Spear Chukkas will be great ranged support and will help with key targets. They are also hard to remove, as his opponent needs to destroy both the crew and the machine (separate units) in order to get rid of them. Watch out for getting bogged down if you assault them. Three Moonclan Shamans with the Curse of Da Bad Moon, as described in Carl's list.

Hayden H - Beastclaw Raiders

The General
Frostlord on Thundertusk - a nasty 18" shooting attack. Watch out for it. Command ability allows all Beastclaw Raider units within 14" to re-roll charge rolls. Likely to combo with the allegiance abilities, and could lead to first turn charges. It's what the army does. 

The Battalions
  • Eurlbad - Contains a Huskard on Stonehorn, the Stonehorn Beastriders and the Mournfang packs. Wound rolls of 6 for these units deal a bonus mortal wound to their attack, in addition to the normal damage output. The Huskard has +1 damage to all his melee weapons. Ouch!
  • Olwyr Alfrostun - Contains the Eurlbad battalion and the general. Gives the general two different command traits! The Mournfang gain +1 to hit. All run rolls can be re-rolled. Speedy.
The Army
This is not a subtle army. If you are considering plying Hayden with alcohol, and carefully trying to coax his battle strategy out of him, you can save yourself the time, effort, and hearing damage as he yells in your face. With the now famous warcry "STONEHORN" he will come at you. Lists like this are why you bring cheap, expendable blocking units (chaff) in your army. If you don't have any, try deploying on the table edge. He can deploy his army in one drop, so will likely get to choose who goes first. If he gets double turns it will hurt, but that goes both ways for alpha strike lists. Plan accordingly.

Kenny T - Bonesplitterz

The General
Savage Big Boss - a big force multiplier. Bonesplitterz are all about overwhelming synergies, and this is where it all starts. After he attacks, another Bonesplitterz unit within 10" can immediately pile in and attack. If they are fighting the same target it could catch you off guard. The command ability allows a unit within 10" to make an extra attack whenever it rolls a 6 or more to hit. This is important, because a lot of the other buffs are focused around giving his units extra attacks.

The Battalions
  • Kop Rukk - Contains the  three Wardokks and three units of Savage Orruk Morboyz. The Dokks get bonuses to casting rolls that increase depending on how many Morboyz are nearby. The downside is that rolling a double kills some Morboyz.
  • Teef Rukk - Contains two units of Savage Big Stabbas. Already nasty, they can now pile in 6"  near monsters and activate twice in the combat phase.
  • Kunnin Rukk - The infamous battalion. Contains the Big Boss general, the Savage Orruks and the Arrowboyz. In each of his hero phases, Kenny picks a unit (Arrowboyz!) within range of his general to either move, shoot or make a melee attack. It can then act normally later in the turn. So that doubles their attacks.
  • Drakkfoot Warclan - Contains Wurrgog Prophet, and all other battalions and units. Spells count as cast if wizards roll a double on the casting roll. The army gains extra magical protection. Lastly, the wizards gain an extra spell - Blood Waaagh!, which allows a unit to immediately pile in and attack as if it was the combat phase. 

The Army
The main thing to worry about is that every model has at least two wounds, even the nasty infantry. And they take up a lot of table space. The other main thing is how many shots the Arrowboyz do. They start with two shots each (so 80 shots). When they have 20 or more in their unit they get an extra shot each (now we are at 120). The Kunnin Rukk lets them shoot in the Hero Phase, so that doubles their shots (to 240). And finally, the command ability allows hit rolls of 6 to become an extra attack. And there may even be more bonuses in the Allegiance Abilities, which I am not covering.

So how do you deal with this? KILL. THE. WARBOSS. If you can't do that it's going to hurt. 

The other issue is how many models and how many dice rolls Kenny has to handle. This is an unwieldy army to play with, so consider assisting Kenny with where you can or time will get eaten up!

Matt B - Destruction (Moonclan, Beastclaws, Bonesplitterz)

The General
Frostlord on Stonehorn - Not to be confused with the Thundertusk! The main difference is the mortal wounds he does when he charges, and his lack of shooting attack. HIs command ability allows re-rolls to all charge rolls within 14" for Beastclaw units.

The Battalions
  • Kunnin Rukk - Yep, another one. Again, this applies to 40 Arrowboyz, and again you need to kill the Big Boss to stop them shooting in the Hero Phase. They will not gain the extra attack on 6's though. So small mercies. 
The Army
This army is a very good example of how to use mixed alliance lists. Matt has covered his bases with a fast, hard hitting turn one charge from no less than three Stonehorns, two Moonclan Grot Shamans with their Bad Moon Curse chain spell, and 240 shots from the Arrowboyz. Four units of 10 Savage Orruks is not insignificant either, as they have two wounds each (20 per unit). So, durable, hard hitting units with ranged threat. Mixed arms!

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